Ti CS Plugin

A build-time CoffeeScript compiler plugin for Titanium build scripts - Reborn

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This code has been deprecated and is no longer maintained. The newest Titanium CLI tools make asynchronous compile hooks near impossible. Since a complete rewrite would be needed to become compatible with new versions of Titanium I opted to deprecate this in favor for pre-compile build tools such as gulp or grunt. I assume most coders who are using CoffeeScript have leveled up and can manage a build environment outside of Titanium Studio and no longer require the crutch of a compile hook such as this.

Anyone interested in rewriting this for the newer versions of Titanium can easily take over this project and remove the deprecation.

For an example of a gulp build using Titanium and CoffeeScript please check out this example project.

A CoffeeScript -> JavaScript compiler plugin for Titanium

This plugin has been tested with Titanium SDK 2.x and 3.1.x.

This project has been reborn from @billdawson’s version.

Apperson Labs has an excellent article on Titanium plugins.

How to use

This plugin will compile CoffeeScript files into JavaScript files using the following conventions:

  • Any CoffeeScript files in the src/ directory will compile to JavaScript into the Resources/ directory.
  • Any CoffeeScript files in the src/alloy/ directory will compile to JavaScript into the app/ directory.
  • Any CoffeeScript files in the app/ directory will compile to JavaScript into the app/ directory.1


The plugin needs to be extracted to the correct location for the Titanium build system to find it. There are currently two places you can save this plugin: System or Project.

  1. Download an unzip the archive.
  2. Place the unzipped contents in one of the following location.
  3. Add a <plugins> entry to your tiapp.xml.


To make the plugin available for all your Titanium projects place the folder into your Titanium system plugins directory. This will be inside the Titanium SDK.

On Mac OS X this seems to be:

~/Application Support/Titanium/plugins


To make this plugin available for a specific project you will have to remove the version directory from the archive. Unzip the archive and move all files and directories in ti.coffee/2.2 to ti.coffee directory.

For example Titanium will look in your project root for the following directory structure to load this plugin:

|- :page_facing_up: tiapp.xml
|- :open_file_folder: Resources/
\- :open_file_folder: plugins/
   \- :open_file_folder: ti.coffee/
      |- :page_facing_up: plugin.py
      |- :page_facing_up: cli.js
      \- :open_file_folder: hooks/
         \- :page_facing_up: plugin.js

If you don’t do this Titanium will ignore the plugin and never compile your CoffeeScript files.

( :no_entry_sign: :coffee: = :sob: )


To activate the plugin add an entry for it in your tiapp.xml file:

  <plugin version="2.2">ti.coffee</plugin>
  1. This was to allow alloy only projects to keep source files coupled with their XML and TSS assets.